Hertfordshire Skip Hire Only 01438 357 757 : All Other Work Only 07984 112 634 info@woodsieswaste.co.uk

Terms & Conditions – Skip Hire

Overloading & wasted journeys will be charged pro rata to the amount overloaded.

Rubbish MUST NOT be burned inside the container.

Containers must be LEVEL loaded only. Overloading will be charged for accordingly.

NO GREEDY BOARDS, Aerosols, Paint, Creosote, Engine oil, Gas cylinders, Toxic waste, Asbestos, Food waste, Liquids, No Carpet, Fridges, Fridge Freezers, Tyres, Mattresses & POP’s (any upholstered items with foam). Only 5% Plasterboard excepted.

Customers are responsible for lamping during hours of darkness.

Customers requesting, ordering vehicles, delivering or collecting containers to leave the public highway, shall reimburse us in full in respect of any loss, costs or claims, damages or expenses we may thereby sustain, whether as a result of damage to the vehicles themselves or the property of customers or third parties.

The customer shall reimburse Woodsie’s Waste for any loss or damage to the container at £500 per container.